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COVID 19 precautions must be implemented in the open and closed areas specified by the relevant public institutions and organizations.


Based on the COVID 19 epidemic management and study guide of the T.R. Ministry of Health Science Committee, an action plan has been prepared to determine the measures to be taken for all departments within the facility. Officials responsible for implementing and supervising the plan have been identified. Staff lists at the area entry points are posted and updated. Directions should be followed during all field visits and interviews.

  1. It is obligatory to follow the written, audio warnings, social distance rules and field directions in the Fair zone.

  2. Non-contact temperature measurement and HES code query will be applied at the entrance.

!!!!!! You can get your Hes Code from the link below;


!!!!!!!! HES, your nationality, passport serial number, year of birth, and last name. Leave a space between each item. Send an SMS to 2023.


  3. You will not be allowed to enter the area in case of high fever measurements of 37.5 degrees or above and you will be directed to the health institution.


  4. It is mandatory to enter the area with a mask and to wear a mask while you are inside. You should throw the moistened and contaminated masks into the mask waste boxes created in the area and disinfect your hands.


  5. You should pay attention to your hand hygiene at the entrance and in the fairground. You should disinfect your hands frequently with hand sanitizer.


  6. The fair area is planned for every person to be in 10 m2 and it is mandatory to follow the social distance rules and direction signs.


  7. If these symptoms occur while in the fairground; fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc. You will be sent to the health institution by informing the COVID 19 staff and keeping them in the isolated room.


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