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Visitor Profile

  • Farmers, The Breeders’ Associations and Agricultural Business Managers

  • Veterinary Surgeons, Agriculture Engineers and Zootechnicians

  • Quality Control and Laboratory Workers

  • Educational Institutions and Members

  • Livestock Equipment Manufacturers and Distributors

  • Food Processing and Product Industry Managers

  • Dairy and Livestock Business Managers

  • Food Engineers and Research Assistants

  • Broiler Production Workers

  • Project and Construction Consultants

  • Administrators of Supermarket, Restaurant, Hotel and Catering Companies

  • Food Wholesalers-Distributors and Marketing Experts
* Academic Members and Students

  • R & D Department of the Companies, Sales and Marketing Managers

  • Economic and Commercial Attaché of the Consulates

  • Official Institutions and Public Officers

  • Administrators of Banks and Insurance Companies

  • Livestock Sector Entrepreneurs

  • Presidents of Institutions, Associations, Cooperatives and Chambers

  • Press and Media Members

  • Patent, Trademark, Management, Audit and Certification Experts




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